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Solar System (to scale)

screenshot of the scene

Author: TheAlgo-Ro-Craft

Group: Default

Filesize: 0.82 MB

Date added: 2017-08-21

Rating: 5

Downloads: 2755

Views: 416

Comments: 1

Ratings: 1

Times favored: 0

Made with: Algodoo v2.1.0


Scene tag

You guys can put these planets, moons and the sun to your own solar system!


* Sun - bigger than the camera
* Mercury - super small! (you still won't believe IT IS SO SMALL!)
* Venus - 2.2 times the size of Mercury
* Earth - 1.3 times the size of Venus
* Mars - 0.5 times the size of Earth
* Jupiter - AROUND 2400 TIMES!!! THE SIZE OF MARS!!!
* Saturn - 0.8 times the size of Jupiter
* Uranus - 0.65 times the size of Saturn
* Neptune - 0.89 times the size of Uranus
* Moon (Earth) - 0.22 times the size of Earth
* Phobos - biggest moon of Mars
* Deimos - smallest moon of Mars

- When you put these all into your solar system, un-glue it from the background!
- Those are Real-Scaled celestial objects!

Inform me when there are bugs or want updates or share feelings!
I would fix those bugs as soon as possible!
I would update this scene from your comments as soon as possible!
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Mars's moons are WAYYYY too large...