a simple forever lasting energy resource
good for the nature...
but whatever use it for a car or so the engine itself is about 40-100 parts and the only scripts used is...
(e)=>{e.other.density=0.001} and (e)=>{e.other.density=10000}
if using it in one of your scenes then please give credits... and please rate or comment (no matter if you use it or not) tell if you have ideas/bugs/questions about anything
that's all for now good luck making a world better for the nature (or make a ram for smashing stuff but then you have to change the position of the piston or the density changers)
I will maybe use it for a tank later or make some way to control when it shall be on and off
important!; it looks best at full speed i will make it faster later
Edit: I have discovered that airfrictionmult lower than zero is better 0.2-0.4 makes energy last but not increasing to much compared to other
(it is also good for some kind of bombs they will roll around and then boooom
if done right anyway
) to make it stronger just increase density (if it is on a hinge then not to much then it just falls down