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i looked for my self on the dash and it is different than yours linkage btw, I LOVE THIS SCENE! it is fun to do a burnout!:D
Yup, especially with my new pc so your scenes run faster for me:D
hold F for Fully auto shooting
It is a very simple mechanic for a walker:)
ProTip: use UP and DOWN for the throttle for people without numpad like ME because i cant play it... cus i got no numpadz will you update it for the non-numpad players can play it?
Cool I will think of using that very soon;)
Also could you make a scene for me that shows a script using lazers that changes a boxes height and width? I need it for a throttle.
I think he makes them so big because it is easier to get into more detail? Good job though! _o_
Where are the controlls?:/
Nvm found em:)
Interesting... should be on the popular list, my friend!
Also my next scene will have a collision engine! I figured they are less fuss to tune than a spring engine and more realistic!
Dang bro, next you should try to make a shooter with this xD
Oh man, I was about to say I want more realistic cars. (cars with engines, transmissions, all that jazz)
Please remove Numpad gearbox controlls cause Most players cant play this and cant enjoy it... either that or release a second scene with non numpad 123456 0 controlls. PLEASE this scene seems cool but i cant play.
AND NO I wont use FN and NUMBER keys cause i try, my laptop cant do that.
Omg thanks!!!
You should make a V.2 with a more powerful engine and the truck pulling a trailer!
oh alright.
Over 100Meters a second or 360 Kilometers per hour or 223 MPH... more like a racing truck xD
hmmm try starting the engine the opposite direction... that should work smoothly:tup:
Cool that is actualy realistic for a honda crf 70 thanks for letting me know! All i really did was make the flywheel from 1000kg to 3000kg and made the piston and piston rod 100 kg heavier than normal... thanks for letting me know!
I meant I6 instead of I8 sorry bout that :bonk:
Can I make a remake of this for you? (just touching up body and gearbox [possibly gearbox tho] ) I will give credits though! :tup:
give this a long barrel and make the bullets resititutoin (bounce) at 0 and make barrels mass at 60kg
to make it more accurate (sorry for cut off comment:/)
BTW nsfw pic in airplane... you could try to remove it before your reported...
+1 to the to-do list: Make movement faster
Poor jason... just wanted to have fun... :cry: Just kidding! LoL
i think your script may be broken <_<
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