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Ok i will make them, but if you want to use them, give credit! Thank you!
These are great starts for crashable cars!
How does this have more than 350 downloads? This is my most downloaded
scene Lol.
The Tesla Cybertruck, but it actually looks good.
Was this from Ras002006?
I... I have no words. What even are these textures?
I think this is a very well made model! Great job!
Smoking addiction hitting you be like
Thank you very much!
I like how he got ground into a paste before betting spit out into thin air.
I have finally achieved my dream of becoming a rigid-bodied 2-dimensional circle who travels via simulated kinetic energy.
I have no idea how this works, but this... this is beautiful. You did an amazing job!
I've made a lava pit script in one of my scenes. Feel free to borrow it as long as you give credit.
Wow you actually read and follow each and every suggestion! You are a very thoughtful developer and make really neat races! I'm excited for what comes next!
These models are really neat! Nice job!

BuT WHeRE iS THe SimpLE ElAStIc mAteRiAL
This is very nice! But... everything is too small and too far away. I think the size should be smaller so you can see everything when you fully zoom out or make the distance a smaller scale than the size.
Where is the bridge worm?
Absolutely Incredible!
Yes EpicGamer42, The next Insane Crash Racers will be a collapsing bridge! Thanks for the suggestion!
500 downloads. For a mildly animated box. I don't even know anymore.
Coupe is Chevy Camaro (2016 i think), hatchback is VW Golf, sedan is Ford Taurus, SUV is Ford Explorer. You guys got it right!
This is a great start! Some suggestions: Make the front wheel turn and make the suspension stronger.
This was made by Dare
Great job!
Wow. This got on popular. Thanks to everyone who downloaded!
This is my lava. Make sure to give credit.
Well if they were inspired by mine, it will be good to give credit.
I like how when you die it creates the ultimate ketchup supernovathat just constantly expands and you can't escape it.
I don't know why it would instantly collapse, but some of it goes underground because it has no collisions and you can put stuff inside it.
Ok very cool
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