السقوط الحر

السقوط الحر

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Free fall

Language: English
Description: What variables influence free fall? This lesson treats motion when there are no forces in contact with the object.
Target: Key Stage 3
Category: Exercise, Laboratory
Discipline: Static forces, Gravity, Motion
Learning objectives:
  • Free fall – falling under the influence of gravitational acceleration only
  • Air drag – the influence of air drag of a falling object
In class: Drop an object. Discuss what aspects that might influence the motion (mass, shape, falling height). Discuss everyday experiences such as falling leaves, feathers, rocks, parachutists. Collect sugges- tion from the students and list them on the whiteboard. Discuss possible causes of the falling motion, gravity, air drag.

'Discuss how this can be visualized and explored in Algodoo. Let the students create scenes in Algodoo using the suggestions you came up with together or let them use their own ideas. Help the students make decisions and ask guiding questions.

Encourage the students to follow the procedure Create – Predict – Interact – evaluate.

Allow the students to follow-up and share their experiences in class after the simulation.

Steps in Algodoo

Create a scene

Create one plane to work as ground and one as a shelf from which objects can fall. Create a number of objects with different shapes and masses for comparison. Make a small light ball, a large heavy ball, assign different materials to the same shape. Make a large featherlight object likely to fall slowly. Let all the objects start from the shelf plane. Make sure that Air drag is turned off.

Make a prediction

Which object should come down first?


Remove the shelf plane, press Play, and watch the objects fall.


Which object fell to the ground first? Why? Compare velocities of the falling objects.

Revise scene

Turn on Air drag. Use the same objects as with the previous scene.
Free fall air drag.png


What does the slope of the graph mean?

Make a prediction

Which object will now come down first?


Remove the shelf plane, press Play, and watch the objects fall.


Are there differences in how the objects fall? Compare velocities of the falling objects.