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Oh yes sorry!!!
Soory but it's for congrtulate the usa the canada the england the australia and the russia but the russia was bad to
Yes in france it's azertyuiop


Canadian soldiers englend soldiers australian solders are dead on the beach i and one french soldier (yes it's wright) yes to soldier american are dead american soldiers to but not that american soldier
Good 5/5
I like the paradigm's canon 5/5 10/10 20/20
Yes it4s good
:) Yes I want but I don't now how it do.More I'm french and I speek a little English!!!
Arrgh it's difficult...
the internet adressbar or the phun adressbar or the other phun adressbar????
ask please than you
Good very realist!!!!!!!
Nazi are dead they was :bonk:
Dead nazi yeah I love it!!!!
They burnt inocent
Nazi was criminals and jerk
Motherfuck nazi
Vient pas me arceler batar les nazi sont des fils de putes des batar meme les chiens sont plus intelligent ke eu!!
C'est très réussi
Mais ça date des années 1600 ça remonte à très loin dans le temps, des milliers de personnes se sont fait guillotinées, mais c'est du passé et la peine de mort a été abolie le 9 octobre 1981.
Et encore une fois vive la France!!!!!!
The guillotine was widely used during the French revolution against all those who were against the so-called revolution was the terror of thousands of people were executed by order of Robespierre guillotined in turn.
After that the guillotine was used as a means of execution in France before 1981
Penal Code, Code of Military Justice and complementary legislation stood until 1981 an impressive list of crimes punishable by death.

They specified the conditions for the execution of the death penalty: when the shootout was convicted in military courts; decapitation in all other cases (Article 12 of the Criminal Code).
Year Executions
1969 0
1970 0
1971 0
1972 2
1973 1
1974 0
1975 0
1976 1
1977 2
The last execution took place on 10 September 1977
Hamida Djandoubi was beheaded in the prison Baumettes in Marseilles.

Sentenced to death for murder after rape and torture, it will be the last person guillotined in France. The death penalty is abolished in France on 30 September 1981. The last public performance was in 1939.
Le saviez vous? Le plus long mot français est anticonstitutionnellement et je suis fière d'être Français!!!
Ô non enfants de la patrie le jour de gloire est arrivé, L'étendard sanglant est levé....
Pas de problèmes!!!
Last edited at 2009/08/16 19:32:45 by JohanFR
The famas a french rifle!!!
Vive la France!!!!!!
Si senor!!!
Merci c'est très gentil
Très amusant, très réussit
oooo I do a similary scene!!!
Beacause I don't now how to use the script menu.
And a bus with not one but two reactors it's crazy and wonderfull!!!!
I like this idea
Funny and good idea
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